Pastor's Corner

     "Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is an honor to have you visit Strait Way Temple of Deliverance, here on the internet highway.  It is my prayer and my hope that this web site will serve as a source of encouragement and inspiration, both naturally and spiritually.  Presently, it is very important that we learn to have faith in God, rather than man.  If we do this, we will soon realize that no matter how great the situation or problem may be,  it'll never be to great for him to handle.  It's also time for us to stop wasting time trying to please man.  Instead, spend quality time striving to please God, always remembering that we have two choices: holiness or hell."  "Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." 1 Peter 1:16.

     Pastor Queen Esther Ford is a native of Utica, MS.  On April 2, 1978, she gave her life to the Lord and began a spiritual walk that would eventually lead her into years of  ministry under Strait Way Ministries, Inc.  She served for years in the capacity of Assistant Pastor, Pastor Aid and other areas that aided the Overseer, as well as, assisted in the advancement and growth of the ministry and its congregation.  In 1993, she accepted her calling to the office of a Pastor.  Currently, she is the Pastor at Strait Way Temple of Deliverance, under the Strait Way Ministries, Inc.--located in Jefferson City, MO.  Pastor Queen  is the mother of three:  Cassandra, Barbara & Jackie; the grandmother of six, and great-grandmother of one.   

Ministers' Section
Min. Prentis E. Boyles,Sr. Associate Minister Origination:  Detroit, MI
Min. James Ellis, Jr. Associate Minister Origination:  Kansas City, MO
Min. Daryl Shipley Associate Minister Origination:  Kansas City, MO
